An affiliate of the Women’s Journey Foundation

“Each time a girl opens a book and finds a womanless history, she learns she is worth less.”

— Myra Pollack Sadker, Author & Resercher

“Research shows only 0.5% of recorded history is about women’s stories – and that’s the reason we don’t know these women’s names, because women have simply been left out of history books.”

— Bettany Hughes, Historian, Author & Broadcaster

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The idea for creating a Women’s Legacy Museum™ was born out of a desire to fill the need for educating our community about women's history. Patty Turrell, founder of the Women's Journey Foundation, and a core team of individuals are laser focused to bring this idea to fruition in three to five years, in the form of a brick-and-mortar museum, in Orange County, California, providing our community with much needed interactive and learning space for all ages to gather together and explore this significant topic.

Our Vision

We envision a world where women are fully acknowledged for their indispensable contributions to the world.

Our Mission

To celebrate the vital role women have played throughout history with a focus on educational, interactive, and impactful exhibits which will give rise to a sense of pride in current and future generations.

“I tell law students… if you are going to be a lawyer and just practice your profession, you have a skill—very much like a plumber. But if you want to be a true professional, you will do something outside yourself… something that makes life a little better for people less fortunate than you.”

~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States