To create an equitable world that connects women and girls to their historic legacy and builds confidence and resilience through a multi-generational, mentorship approach.

A world where women of all ages own their inner power and use it for the greater good.

Please visit the Women’s Journey Foundation website by clicking here.

The images below are original artwork submitted from young girls, for a contest the WJF held. They were encouraged to have the artwork draw upon women in history who have impacted the artist, perhaps illustrating a moment of inspiration. The middle image was our top selection, now being used for a WJF mug which are available for purchase.

Place your order by clicking here.

“Our daughters needn’t shower us with gratitude. But they need to understand their lives were built on our shoulders, just as our lives were built on the shoulders of the women before us.”

~ Vivian Clecak, Co-Founder & former CEO of Human Options